Robert Vanderwall
MAOM, DAOM Candidate
Robert Vanderwall is currently a DAOM Candidate at AOMA Graduate School or Integrative Medicine in Austin, TX. Mr. Vanderwall is working through a program with areas of focus in research, leadership, teaching, and learning while focusing on a clinical specialty in pain management. Mr. Vanderwall received his MAOM from Daoist Traditions and previously had received an AAS from FLCC in Canandaigua, NY. Mr. Vanderwall is a graduate of the Mississippi School of Therapeutic Massage, was certified by the NCBTMB and practiced massage in North Carolina.
For most of his adult life, Mr. Vanderwall has worked in the field of technology consulting. The majority of that time was spent working on mainframe, midrange, enterprise systems, and network infrastructure. His clients and employers have included Fortune 500 companies and government agencies. Mr. Vanderwall hopes to use his technical expertise in an interdisciplinary effort to improve the standing and quality of Chinese Medicine in the future.
Mr. Vanderwall has been a student and practitioner of Taijiquan and Qigong for over 25 years. His studies have extended to include the other internal martial arts of Baguazhang, Xingyiquan, and Liuhebafa during that time. He currently teaches these arts to a handful of private students, as well as continuing his own personal study with several senior teachers.